Make carbon offsetting accessible to investors.

Judo Cares is now part of Leyton group! Find us here.

Our offer

We help financial institutions across the asset management and the banking sectors design and implement carbon-offset investment solutions.

Carbon footprint

We calculate the carbon footprint of your portfolios using proprietary models and independently verified data.

Choice of offsetting projects

We help you design your carbon-offsetting strategy and select the most robust offsetting projects adapted to your needs and maximizing ecologic returns and cobenefits.


We help you structure and market your low-carbon offering. Over the life of your portfolios, we monitor and manage all aspects of carbon offsetting.

Get started

Judo answers the climate-related aspirations of financial institutions and their investors with the most efficient carbon offsetting projects.

Carbon offsetting

Best practices for offsetting carbon in the right way.

Offset your savings

How to transpose the carbon offsetting methodology to financial portfolios?

Carbon footprint

How to measure the GHG emissions of a company?


For many years, we have actively contributed to the development of low carbon strategies within financial institutions. Today, we are combining our expertise in JUDO CARES.
Why did we create Judo CARES?

Marc La Rosa


Jérémy Dudek


Contact us

Any questions about our services?